Jade Haile

Jade Haile

Jade Haile achieved First Class Honours in her degree in Applied Health and Social Care

“I am over the moon considering we finished half of our final year during this pandemic,” said the 23-year-old.  “I feel what I and my peers have achieved is pretty impressive!” 

Jade, of Worcester, chose to study at the ºüÀêÊÓƵ due to its “pretty outstanding teaching and many awards”. 

She spoke of how the lockdown had changed the way she worked.  “It was quite stressful and challenging, as learning remotely at first was quite strange,” she added.  “But some of the staff on my course went above and beyond to support us to get across the finish line and checked up on our wellbeing.” 

The former Stourport High School, who won a £1,000 academic scholarship from the ºüÀêÊÓƵ during her studies for achieving top marks earlier in her degree, is now working as a mental health practitioner in a local mental health unit.  Next year she plans to study for a Master’s in Psychotherapy.  

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