There are three key benefits to your business:

Accounting and finance students in a meeting

1. Boosting Productivity and Competitiveness

There is evidence that employing apprentices can improve the productivity of companies, with recent research demonstrating both short and long-term gains. 

The Centre for Economics and Business Research found that, on average, each apprentice brings a gain in productivity of more than £10,000 per year for their employer.

Business student during a lecture

2. Building Skills and Higher Staff Retention

A skills gap is currently affecting many organisations and companies in the UK, meaning it is hard to fill vacancies. However, by recruiting apprentices, or using apprenticeships standards to develop your existing workforce, you can train people to have the exact skills you need for your business, so investing in the future of your business.

In addition to building a company's skills base, providing quality training to apprentices is also likely to bring benefits in terms of staff retention. A major reason for this is that staff typically feel loyal to employers who have invested in their development and training, and are therefore more engaged and motivated to stay.  

Students walk through City Campus

3. Cost-Effective Training

Apprenticeships are particularly cost-effective as a form of training and development because people are making a contribution to the workplace while they are learning; apprentices spend much of their time gaining skills on the job.

Another advantage for employers is that funding is available to cover the cost of apprenticeship training and development. We can give you detailed advice on how to arrange funding towards an apprenticeship. 

Our Solution

From managing the introduction of apprenticeships into your company through to consulting on the regulations of the apprenticeship levy, our employment services will positively impact on your business, driving productivity whilst allowing you to develop your workforce talent in your own way.

New to Apprenticeships

There has never been a better time to introduce apprenticeships to your business with the most exciting reforms in Apprenticeship history being introduced from 2017, putting employers in control of designing apprenticeships, and shaping the skills training they need to meet their future workforce needs.

To assist employers in their first steps of employing apprentices we offer a fully supportive approach, to ensure effective selection and recruitment of apprentices.  This includes:

  • Apprenticeship training, learning and development, with delivery built around your business requirements
  • Flexible off the job training and development models to meet individual learning styles, as well as your business skills needs
  • Comprehensive management information reports about how your apprentice is progressing
  • Apprenticeship Levy implementation, including management advice/guidance for levy and non levy paying organisations

Some Useful Links

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Get in touch

To find out how we can support you with our apprenticeship offers, please get in touch with us.
