Essential Features of a Meeting Centre

Every Meeting Centre is different. These differences are determined by the needs and interests of the people using them, their families and their local communities. However, there are certain ‘Essential Features' both in the way that Meeting Centres develop and in how they operate that define them. Some of these features may be common with other types of support but taken together they make a Meeting Centre. Although it is recognised that it may be difficult to maintain all the ‘Essential Features’ all of the time, they are important in terms of the validity of the Meeting Centre model. This model, which is based on sound research evidence, helps people to cope well in adjusting to living with the symptoms and changes that dementia brings. This booklet sets out these Essential Features - Essential Features of a Meeting Centre booklet

The booklet includes a table which enables an organisation to assess whether they measure up to the Essential Features of a Meeting Centre. Meeting these criteria entitles the organisation to use the Meeting Centres UK logo and be listed as a Meeting Centre operating as part of the UK Meeting Centres Support Programme. If you would be interested in finding out more about Meeting Centres please email

A list of Meeting Centres across the UK, and their contact details, can be found .