Meeting Centre webinars - 2020

Throughout 2021 the Association for Dementia Studies hosted a series of online webinars about Meeting Centres.

  • 26th February - The UK Meeting Centre Support Programme: our journey so far. An overview of progress, including new and existing Meeting Centres, the Community of Learning and Practice, toolkit and resources, training, new developments, and related projects.
    • A recording of the webinar can be
    • A copy of the slides can be viewed here
    • A Blog of the event is  
  • 26th March - We didn't risk assess for this! How Meeting Centres responded to the impact of the pandemic.
    • A recording of the webinar can be
    • A copy of the slides can be viewed here
    • A Blog of the event is 
  • 30th April - You've come to the right place. Finding the right location can be difficult and sometimes you have to make the best of what you've got. We hear about different locations and different approaches to making Meeting Centres 'dementia friendly'.
    • A recording of the webinar can be 
    • A Blog of the event is 
  • 28th May - It all comes down to a question of money. We explore different approaches to funding sources and dilemmas such as to charge or not to charge.
    • A recording of the webinar can be viewed 
    • A Blog of the event is 
  • 25th June - Everyone brings something to the Meeting Centre. Find out about activities and initiatives led by members and family carers, and a range of creative approaches. (Note this webinar will run from 10.00 to 11.00am)
    • A recording of the webinar can be viewed 
    • A Blog of the event is 


  • 24th September - New kids on the block. We hear from new Meeting Centres and those planning to start. What inspired them and what they have learned along the way.
    • A recording of the webinar can be viewed 
    • A Blog of the event is 
  • 29th October - Scaling up Meeting Centres in a locality. Update and insights from the Worcestershire Meeting Centres Programme and initiatives funded by the Shaw Foundation.
    • A recording of the webinar can be viewed 
    • A Blog of the event is 
  • 26th November - Sustainability of Meeting Centres: opportunities, challenges and the way forward. How can Meeting Centres move forward individually, as part of a regional approach, and as a UK-wide network? What are the next steps? 
    • A recording of the webinar can be viewed 

During 2020 we also ran a series of Meeting Centre webinars on the last Friday of every month. These were informal presentations/ talks with a view to sharing practice and giving people a chance to ask questions. Although the webinars have finished, you can still access recordings of them or copies of the slides here:

Summer break

  • September 2020 - 

  • October 2020  - 

  • November 2020 - 

Winter break

  • January 2021 - 

If you would like to know more about any of the webinars, please contact us at