ºüÀêÊÓƵ and Council Join Forces for Community Clear Up


They spent several hours clearing rubbish and debris around the St John's area of Worcester, close to the ºüÀêÊÓƵ's campus, in an event organised by the ºüÀêÊÓƵ and Worcester City Council.

Students and volunteers from the community were litter picking alongside City Council staff, who organised a full street clean to clear up fallen leaves.

Councillor Simon Geraghty, Leader of Worcestershire County Council, and Councillor Chris Mitchell, of St Clement's ward, were among the volunteers.

Students taking part this year came from the ºüÀêÊÓƵ's Nature Society and those studying Sustainability.

In total, volunteers collected eight full sacks of rubbish, including a six-piece crockery set and a bed headboard.

A second joint litter pick is planned as part of the annual Go Green Week in February.

The ºüÀêÊÓƵ's Director of Sustainability, Katy Boom, said: "The annual student litter pick is really important, both for the students who take part, the students resident in the area and for the community to see that students want to volunteer and put something into their city where they study and live.

"Students are always astonished by how many people come up to them to talk and thank them. It makes a deep impact and is something they will remember for a long time."

Volunteer Josh Kalms, 21, a third year Conservation Ecology student and Chair of the ºüÀêÊÓƵ's Nature Society, said: "It's always satisfying to witness the difference that volunteers can make in just a couple of hours, knowing that our community is benefiting from cleaner streets.

"As students, we are members of a wider local community and should also positively contribute to the area."

Cllr Geraghty added: "Our community clean-up was particularly successful this year thanks to many student volunteers joining us to help litter pick the local area.

"This, combined with efforts of the City Council neighbourhood team, helped ensure much of the leaf fall was removed and the streets were noticeably cleaner as a result."

Cllr Jabba Riaz, Worcester City Council portfolio holder for Clean, Green and Leisure Services, said: "Thanks to all the volunteers and community members who get together to help keep run litter picks " without their support Worcester would not have such a strong reputation for being a clean and tidy city."