Dr Pippa Galpin

pippa galpin profile image

Part-time, Senior Lecturer and Course Leader for the MA in Creative Media

School of Arts

Art & Design Communication

Art and Design Communication

Contact Details

email: p.galpin@worc.ac.uk
tel: 01905 85 5321

Alongside teaching at the ºüÀêÊÓƵ, Pippa is a self-employed artist. Her work is made in the hand and by hand. It is from this maker’s sensibility that she views the world.

Pippa's primary material is clay as it is soft and pliable, yields to the touch, is readily mouldable and takes an impression. This quality gives it the capacity to record the things it touches.

What is perceived through the sense of touch - the haptic – has become the central focus of all her work. When working for her PhD, Pippa developed a method of interpreting a space by using layers of coloured clay to ‘read’ a space haptically and to engage in what might be called a haptic dialogue.


  • PhD Ceramics entitled: ‘Ceramics and the Haptic: a case study sited in Worcester Cathedral’, 2016. Bath Spa ºüÀêÊÓƵ.
  • MA Design-Ceramics, 2008. Bath Spa ºüÀêÊÓƵ
  • Teacher Accreditation Award.  Academy (formerly ILTHE), 1999. ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • BA Hons. Art and English, 1981. London ºüÀêÊÓƵ


Teaching Interests

Deputy Course Leader MRes/MPhil/PhD for the School of Arts

Course leader and tutor on the Creative Media MA:

  • CMED4001 Creative Practice
  • CMED4003 Creative Concept
  • CMED4005 Independent Project

Research Interests

  • The haptic and what is perceived through the sense of touch
  • Ceramics
  • Space and place and its relationship to creative practice
  • Embodied space

Membership of Professional Bodies

Artists’ research collective:  

Recent Publications

  • The International Print Exhibition & Conference in Santander, Spain, Aug/Sept 2018. Two Exhibitions.
  • The International Ceramics Festival, July 2017. Symposium presentation.
  • Space Place Practice, Multi-disciplinary Research Group outputs, 2015 to current. Including:


  • Soapworks- Floor Rubbings in ‘Place: Soapworks’, The Bristol Soapworks, Sept/Oct 2020.
  • Floor Rubbings - Illuminating Secrets, in ‘Loss and Lucidity’ (The Lost & Found) Braco do Prata Factory, Lisbon, Curated by Diana Ali (UK) July-Sept 2019.
  • The Haptic Font in ‘Library of Pilgrimages’ Trowbridge Town Hall, Dec 2016 - Sept 2017.
  • Something of Place in ‘Museum Box Project’, Trowbridge Town Hall, Dec 2016 - Sept 2017 &
  • Aberystwyth ºüÀêÊÓƵ School of Art Gallery. April-May 2015.


  • Embodied Space- Home, Space Place Practice presentation, Aug 2020.
  • The Re-Enchantment of Place, Publication The Museum in the Park, Stroud, 2019.