Clair Rees

Clair Rees

Senior Lecturer

School of Health and Wellbeing

Department of Community, Social Justice and Health

Contact Details


Clair is committed to the principle of lifelong learning, and that education should be accessible to all, affording equality of opportunity to all that seek it.

Having worked in the education sector for over 20 years in various capacities, Clair's experience base is broad; most recently her role as H.E. Lead lecturer enabled her to develop and deliver vocational degree programmes at levels 4, 5 & 6 offering distinct provision typically to learners who otherwise might not access higher education.

Clair currently volunteers with Welsh Women’s Aid as part of a community outreach team, having first hand insight into the challenges and successes of delivering quality integrated care is invaluable as a means of enriching the taught content of her lessons. She hopes that this transfers to the classroom to enable engaging interactive sessions.

Clair's wider professional interests include:

Transnational educational partnerships & opportunities.

Global Population Ageing & the concept of ‘Ageing Well’.

Maternity Care & Breastfeeding Support.

Violence against women and girls.


Registered General Nurse

Registered Midwife


MSc Gerontology & Ageing Studies                               

Teaching Interests

Clair fully supports the provision of distinct routes of study within the broader field of H&SC that are responsive to and reflect the changing needs of the sector. Relevance to the broader sector needs is a crucial element of the teaching and learning within vocational programmes; Clair has taught across a range of vocational H.E. programmes using her ‘industrial’ background as a Nurse and Midwife to help inform and apply to the classroom learning experience of the students. Programmes include:

BSc (Hons) Care & Wellbeing Top up

Cert H.E. & Diploma Care Practices

Cert H.E. & Diploma H.E., Health & Wellbeing in the Community (Adult & Youth)

F.D. Care Studies

Cert. H.E. Working with Vulnerable Adults

Dip. HE Public Health

Outreach work (Access)

- promoting community-based learning in target areas defined through the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD).


As College Ambassador, Clair was part of an initiative organised by the British Consulate-General Shanghai and Department for International Trade, sharing UK expertise, best practice, curriculum structure, progression and more broadly discussion around the proposed up-skilling of the workforce. She has also been involved with the teaching and development of post-graduate overseas programmes in partnership with Chinese and Indian educational establishments.

Research Interests

Clair's specific area of interest relates to the exploration of the ageing experience of women transitioning into the third age, the relationship between societal expectation and the lived experience of older persons and the concept of ‘growing’ old as a continued part of the life course.

Membership of Professional Bodies

Associate member RCN

External Roles

External Academic Moderator – Newcastle College Group in partnership with Newcastle ºüÀêÊÓƵ.