Clive Sealey

Senior Lecturer in Social Policy and Theory

School of Health and Wellbeing

Department of Community, Social Justice and Health

Contact Details

tel: 01905 542272

Clive Sealey is a senior lecturer in Social Policy and Theory. He enjoys teaching a range of general social policy issues, such as income, health, housing, and education. Clive recognises that students often do not see the importance of these issues to their lives, and through his teaching aims to make these as relevant as possible to them, through a variety of interactive and imaginative teaching methods.

His goal is to make social policy teaching as personal, engaging, and relevant as possible within the academic context. He wants to encourage students to think for themselves and develop their critical thinking skills.


PhD Social Policy, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Birmingham

MA Social Research, Social Policy, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Birmingham

BA Social Policy, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Bangor, Wales

Teaching Interests

Clive teaches both undergraduate and postgraduate students across several programs, including health and social care, criminology and management and leadership. His focus is on the importance of policy and how it is made, policy-related, which is an interest of his. This includes teaching social policy and social policy-related issues, as well as research.

Research Interests

Clive’s research interests are focused on poverty-related issues, particularly those related to low pay and employment.He is also interested in the processes and dynamics of policy, such as how it is made, who makes it and what its implications are.


Shomai, Shilla, Unwin, Peter and Sealey, Clive (2024) Kidfluencers' lived experiences of influencer culture: a time for regulation? International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Early (Cite). pp. 1-14. ISSN 0144-333X

Sealey, C. (2023) Applying Social Policy to Criminal Justice Practice, Bristol: Policy Press

Lynes, M. and Sealey, Clive (2023) The Review Process in Social work: Is it working for service users? British Journal of Social Work, 53 (3). pp. 1674-1681. ISSN 0045-3102

Smith, J., Fillingham, J. and Sealey, Clive (2023) Reflections on making co-production work: the reality of coproduction from an insider perspective. British Journal of Social Work, 53 (3). pp. 1393-1601. ISSN 1468-263X - Print ISSN 0045-3102

Smith, Julia, Lynes, Mark, English-Peach, Charles Mark and Sealey, Clive (2022) Lived Experiences of Special Schools in England: Key Considerations for Social Work Practice. British Journal of Social Work (bcac23). ISSN 1468-263X - Print ISSN 0045-3102

Sealey, C. (Forthcoming) Applying Social Policy to Criminal Justice Practice, Bristol: Policy Press

Sealey, C. Fillingham, J. Unwin, P. (eds) (2021) Social Policy, Service Users and Carers: Lived Experiences and Perspectives. Springer Nature: Cham

Sealey C. (2020) Britishness and British Values: The Diminution of Migrants’ Social Citizenship Rights. In: Muslim Minorities and Social Cohesion Cultural Fragmentation in the West. Routledge (Taylor & Francis), London.

Sealey, C., Jones, R., Lewis, J. and Gregory D. (2020) The Joy Project, in Beck, D. and Purcell, R. Community Development for Social Change, London: Routledge,

Sealey, C. And Nehring, D. (2020) How the UK’s migration regime negatively affects the lives of transnational couples, London School of Economics British and Irish Politics and Policy, Available at:

Nehring, D. and Sealey, C. (2019) Intimate citizenship and the tightening of

migration controls in the United Kingdom, Social Policy and Administration, 54(3), pp. 427-440

Sealey, C., Lewis, J. and Jones, R. (2018) The JOY of Learning: Lessons for Community Development Practice From the Evaluation of a Woman’s Only Project? Radical Community Work Journal, 3 (2).

Chalarai, A. and Sealey, C. (2018) Comparative Study of Austerity Experiences Between Greek and British Youth. Science and Society: Journal of Political and Moral Theory, 36, pp. 173-190

Chalari, A and Sealey, C. (2017) ‘UK Students’ Subjective Experiences and Responses to Higher Education Austerity : Implications and Lessons for the Future’, Observatoire de la société britannique, 19, pp. 229-245.

Chalarai, A., Sealey,C. and Webb, M. (2016) A Comparison of Subjective Experiences and Responses to Austerity of UK and Greek Youth, GreeSE Paper No.102 Hellenic Observatory Papers on Greece and Southeast Europe, London: London School of Economics

Sealey, C. (2016) (2016) Wither Multiculturalism? – an Analysis of the Impact on Welfare Practice and Theory of Policy Responses to an Increasingly Multicultural Society in the UK. Social Work Review, 2016, (1), pp. 11-26

Sealey, C. (2016) Putting the Social Back into your Social Work Practice, The Social Work Toolkit, Expert Opinion, London: Palgrave Macmillan Higher Education,

Sealey, C. (2015) Social Policy Simplified. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Sealey, C. (2015) Social Exclusion: Re-examining its Conceptual Relevance to Tackling Inequality and Social Injustice. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 11/12, pp. 600-617

External Roles

External Examiner, MSC Social Research Methods

Department of Criminology, Sociology and Social Policy

ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Swansea