Recent Presentations
2021 (Oct) ºüÀêÊÓƵ Centre Weston Invited guest lecture on ethical approaches to research.
2021 (Sept) ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Chichester Invited Keynote on Overcoming Prejudice when working with Parents.
2021 (Feb) The Learning Institute FdA Conference (online) Invited keynote presentation on ethical research and workshop on Early Childhood Professionalism.
2021 (Feb) BECERA (online) The ‘emotion work’ of EY leadership
2021 (Jan) ECSDN (online) Invited keynote presentation on research, ethics and dissemination
2020(June) TACTYC (online) Invited keynote presentation on MNS research
2020 (March) FDL Learning Support (Worcester) Invited to present on ethical research
2019 (July) Child Poverty in Educational Contexts (Uni of Sussex) Presentation/ workshop: Keeping the children and the community in mind
2019 (June) TACTYC (Birmingham) Invited Paper on findings of MNS research ‘Finding ways to survive.’
2018 (August) EECERA (Budapest) Paper and chair of self-organised symposium
2018 (March) Early Years Research Conference (Sussex) Invited keynote: Holding your knowledge ‘lightly’; Ethical Research and the role of the researcher/ practitioner
Recent Publications
Solvason, C., & Watson, N. (2021). Insights into Positive Approaches to Parent Partnership Working in UK Nursery Schools. Journal of Social Psychology Research, 1(1), 18-30. Retrieved from
Solvason, C. and Winwood, J. (2022) Exploring drivers and barriers: working in multi-professional teams to support children and families, School and Community Journal, accepted 17.08.21
Carla Solvason, Geoffrey Elliott & Harriet Cunliffe (2021) Preparing university students for the moral responsibility of early years education, Journal of Education for Teaching, DOI: 10.1080/02607476.2021.1989982
Solvason, C. and Proctor, S. (2021) ‘You have to find the right words to be honest’: nurturing relationships between teachers and parents of children with Special Educational Needs. Support for Learning, 36(3), pp.470-485.
Solvason, Stephenson, France and Sheenan, Developing Effective Professional Learning Communities for Senior Leaders, On Leadership: An Interdisciplinary Approach, (Due publication summer 2021).
Solvason, C. Bailey, E. and Davis, E. (2021) Supportive Leadership in Schools, Elephant Times (6)
Cliffe, J. and Solvason, C. (2021), The Messines of Ethics in Education, Journal of Academic Ethics,
Solvason, C. (2021) Leaders Need Support, Too.
Solvason, C., Hodgkins, A. & Watson, N. (2021). Preparing students for the ‘emotion work’ of early years practice. NZ International Research in Early Childhood Education Journal, 23(1), pp. 14 – 23.
Early Years TV podcast on supporting children’s speech and language development:
Sage Masterclass podcast on ethics in early childhood research
Solvason, C., Webb, R. and Sutton-Tsang, S. (2020) What is left…?: The Implications of Losing Maintained Nursery Schools for Vulnerable Children and Families in England, Children and Society,
Cliffe, J. & Solvason, C. The role of emotions in building new knowledge and developing young children’s understanding. Power and Education. 2020;12(2):189-203. doi:
Solvason, C. and Kington, A. (2020) How subject leader collaborations across schools can act as a source of personal and curriculum development, Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, Volume 22, Numbers 1 & 2, 2020
and (2019), "Collaborations: providing emotional support to senior leaders", , Vol. 5 No. 1, pp. 1-14.
Solvason, C., Webb, R. and Sutton-Tsang, S. (2020) Evidencing the effects of maintained nursery schools' roles in Early Years sector improvements.
Solvason, C., Webb, R. and Sutton-Tsang, S. (2019) Occasional Paper 13- What role do maintained nursery schools play in Early Years sector improvements?
Solvason, C. (2020) ‘Building a positive community culture: the role leader collaborations across primary schools can play in developing community cohesion’ in Blackmore, K. and Kington, A., eds. Developing social and learning relationships in primary schools, London: Bloomsbury.
Cliffe, J. and Solvason C. (2019). Should we consider rhizomatic thinking when educating young minds? NZ International Research in Early Childhood Education Journal, 22(1), pp. 86 – 100. Retrieved from
Solvason, C., Cliffe, J., and Bailey, E. (2019) Breaking the silence: Providing authentic opportunities for parents to be heard. Power and Education, 11 (2), pp.191-203.
Solvason, C. and Cliffe, J. (2019) But what if they don’t ask the right question? Problems of power and control in researching with children. TACTYC: Reflections.
Proctor, S. and Solvason, C. (2019): Supporting Parents to use Schema Theory to Understand and Manage Challenging Behaviour in the Home. NZ International Research in Early Childhood Education Journal, 22, (1) pp. 72 - 85
Bailey, E. and Solvason, C. (2019) Embedding parents’ perspectives in the discourse for quality education and care in the early years. NZ International Research in Early Childhood Education Journal. Volume 22, No.1, pp. 59 - 71
Solvason, C. (2019) ‘Conducting ethical professional inquiry alongside children’ in Policy Intersecting Pedagogy (Editors L Gibbs and M Gasper), London: Routledge.
Elliot, G., Kadi-Hanifi, K. and Solvason, C. (2018) Your Guide to Successful Postgraduate Study, London: Sage.
Solvason, C. (2018) ‘Just how important is ethics within early childhood research and professionalism.’ Journal of Early Childhood Education Research, 6 (2), pp 166-176,
Solvason, C., Cliffe, J. and Snowden, M. (2017) ‘Researching in School-Creating a Meaningful School/ ºüÀêÊÓƵ Alliance: A Reflection.’ Educational Action Research,