Recent Publications
Richards, C. (2009) Safeguarding Children: Every Child Matters so Everybody Matters! In, Reed, M. & Canning, N. (eds.) Reflective Practice in the Early Years. London, Sage.
Richards, C. (2011) Quality Matters because Quality Protects. In, Reed, M. & Canning, N. (eds.) Quality Improvement in the Early Years. London, Sage.
Richards, C. (2011) FIT FOR PARENTING. An evaluation study of the Parenting Assessment Manual (P.A.M.) in Worcestershire in assessing the Parenting Capacity of Adults with Learning Disabilities.
McLoone- Richards, C. (2012) ‘Say Nothing! How Pathology within Catholicism created and sustained the Institutional Abuse of Children in 20th century Ireland’, in Child Abuse Review 21: 394-404. DOI:10.1002/car.2209.
Richards, C. (2012) ‘Children Who Are Seen But Not Heard; Early Childhood perspectives on meaningful listening to and engaging with young children’, British
Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (BASCPAN) Congress 2012, Queen’s ºüÀêÊÓƵ, Belfast, Northern Ireland (April)
Richards, C. (2013) Journal of Beliefs and Values: Studies in Religion and Education. Book Review- Keenan, M. (2012) CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE & THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. Gender, Power and Organizational Culture. Oxford, Oxford ºüÀêÊÓƵ Press.
Richards, C. (2014) Safeguarding Children. In, Dryden, L. & Mukherji, P. (eds.) Foundations of Early Childhood. London, Sage.
Richards, C. (2014) Professional discussions and challenges in safeguarding and protecting children. In, Reed, M. & Walker, R. (eds.) A Critical Companion on Early Childhood Studies. London, Sage.
Richards, C. (2014) ‘I know I am just the student but’….an education provider’s perspective in supporting students to raise concerns about professional practice in the context of safeguarding concerns about children.’ A Child’s World Conference, Aberyswyth ºüÀêÊÓƵ, Wales, (June ).
Richards, C. (2015) ‘Domestic Violence is a Public health Issue: a perspective from Early Childhood.’ National Centre for the Study and Prevention of Violence and Abuse (NCSPVA) Conference, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester, (February).
Richards, C. (2015) ‘Wicked Ideas in Research’ Early Childhood Conference, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester, (February).
Buckler, S., Coupe, T., Eason, A., Richards, C.M. & Woolley, R. (2015) Breaking the Silence. (Paper Presentation). 9th BASPCAN International Congress. Edinburgh, Scotland. 12 - 15 April.
Richards, C.M. & Gallagher, S. (2017) Common Vigilance: a perspective on the role of the community in safeguarding children. In, Brown, Z. & Ward, S. (eds.) Contemporary Issues in Childhood: an ecological approach. Abingdon, Routledge.
McGregor, K., Stephens-Lewis, D., Richards, C.M., Gilchrist, E., Taylor-Dunn, H. & Jones, R. (2016) An Exploration of Healthcare Professionals’ Personal and Professional Experience of Domestic Violence and Abuse. NCSPVA, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester.
Richards, C. (2017) An Exploration of Healthcare Professionals’ Personal and Professional Experience of Domestic Violence and Abuse. (Paper Presentation based on study by McGregor (2016) et al.) International Congress on Law and Mental Health (IALMH) Congress, Prague. 10-14 July.
Richards, C. (2017) ‘Hurt Healers as a Medical Emergency’: An Exploration of Healthcare Professionals’ Personal and Professional Experience of Domestic Violence and Abuse. (Paper Presentation based on study by McGregor (2016) et al.) Institute of Violence and Trauma (IVAT) International Summit, San Diego. 24-28 September.
Richards, C (2017) ‘A Private Matter?’ Addressing Domestic Abuse in the Healthcare Sector. (Presentation based on study by McGregor (2016) et al.) Institute of Violence and Trauma (IVAT) International Summit, San Diego. 24-28 September.
Richards, C.M. (2019) “Is it safe?”…Creating safe reflective spaces and places for practitioners in mentoring and supervision of safeguarding children. In, Gasper, M.& Walker, R. (eds) Mentoring, Coaching and Supervision in the Early Years: theory and practice. London, Bloomsbury.
Richards, C.M. (2018) “The boys won’t leave the girls alone!”:The importance of advocacy and educational leadership in addressing School-Related-Gender-Based-Violence (SRGBV). International Conference on Education Quality, Ibn Zohr ºüÀêÊÓƵ, Agadir. 14 to 16 March 2018. (accepted for publication as part of conference proceedings).
Richards, C.M. (2019) ‘Looking Back in Anger’ the impact of mother and child trauma experiences in the context of Domestic Violence and Abuse. In, Fleet, A. & Reed, M. (eds.) Thinking about Pedagogy in Early Education: Multiple Early Childhood Identities. London, Routledge (December 2018).
McLoone-Richards, C.M. (2019) “Speak Up and Speak Out!” Your Role in Promoting Child Advocacy , Personal and Professional Implications. International Conference International Conference on Education Quality, Ibn Zohr ºüÀêÊÓƵ, Agadir. 13 to 15 March 2019.
McLoone-Richards, C.M. (2019) “We should all be Feminists!”: the Significance of a Feminist Informed Pedagogy in Preventing Children’s Experience of Violence in Educational Contexts and Beyond. International Conference International Conference on Education Quality, Ibn Zohr ºüÀêÊÓƵ, Agadir. 13 to 15 March 2019.
Richards, C.M. (2020) “The boys won’t leave the girls alone!”:The importance of advocacy and educational leadership in addressing School-Related-Gender-Based-Violence (SRGBV). In, Bendou, A., Jones, C., Thornburgh, D. & Bracken, S. (eds.) Issues in Education Quality: Teaching, Volume 1. Agadir, Ibn Zohr ºüÀêÊÓƵ.
McLoone-Richards, C. & Robinson, C. (2020) ‘I know I am just a student but…’: the challenges for educators in students to develop their advocacy skills in protecting children. Early Years: An International Research Journal, DOI:1080/09575146.2020.17409036
McLoone-Richards, C. (2021) A critical examination of “Doing Advocacy” and “Negotiating Power” in Child Protection Practice in Early Childhood Care and Education. (Doctoral Dissertation, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester, UK).
McLoone-Richards, C. (2024) Researching Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence – Critical Perspectives for Student-Practitioner Researchers. Oxon, Routledge.