Selected Publications
Storey, D. (forthcoming) Territories. The Claiming of Space, (3rd edition), London: Routledge.
Storey, D. (2023) Footballing journeys: Migration, citizenship and national identity, Journal of Geography in Higher Education.
Storey, D. (2021) Football, Place and National Identity: Transferring Allegiance: London: Rowman & Littlefield.
Storey, D. (ed) (2020) A Research Agenda for Territory and Territoriality, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Storey, D. (2020) National allegiance and sporting citizenship: identity choices of ‘African’ footballers, Sport in Society, 23:1, 129-141.
Storey, D. (2020) Soccer, identity and sporting citizenship in Ireland: Border crossings, in J. O’Brien, R. Holden and X. Ginesta (eds), Sport, Globalisation and Identity: New Perspectives on Regions and Nations, London: Routledge, 36-51.
Storey, D. (2020) entries on ‘Political Geography’ and ‘Rural development’, in A. Kobayashi (ed) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography (2nd edition) Oxford: Elsevier.
Storey, D. (2018) Territory and territoriality, in A Paasi, J. Harrison and M. Jones (eds) Handbook on the Geographies of Regions and Territories, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 34-43.
Storey, D. (2017) States, territory and sovereignty, Geography 10 (3), 116-122.
Storey, D. (2017) Territory and territoriality, in B. Warf (ed) Oxford Bibliographies in Geography, New York: Oxford ºüÀêÊÓƵ Press.
Storey, D. (2016) Using heritage to promote rural places, Town & Country Planning 85 (7), 286-288.
Storey, D. (2016) Which boys in green? Identity issues in Irish soccer, in C. Howley and S. Dun (eds) The Playing Field. Making Sense of Spaces and Places in Sporting Culture, Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 129-140.
Storey, D. (2016) Territory, space and society, in P. Daniels, M. Bradshaw, D. Shaw, J. Sidaway and T. Hall (eds) An Introduction to Human Geography (5th edition), Harlow: Prentice Hall, 421-438.
Storey, D. (2015) entries on 'State, Geography of', and 'Territoriality: geographical' in J. Wright (ed) International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences (2nd edition), Oxford: Elsevier.
Storey, D. (2014) Football in Africa. Migration, identity and globalisation, Geography Review 27 (4), 2-4.
Storey, D. (2013) ‘New’ migrants in the British countryside, Journal of Rural and Community Development, 8 (3), 291-302.
Storey, D. (2013) Sport, culture and identity, in C.M Rees (ed) Changes in Contemporary Ireland: Texts and Contexts, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 80-95.
Storey, D. (2012) Heritage, culture and identity: the case of Gaelic games, in J. Hill, K. Moore and J. Wood (eds), Sport, History and Heritage: An Investigation into the Public Representation of Sport, Boydell and Brewer, 223-234.
Storey, D. (2012) Territories. The Claiming of Space, (2nd edition), London: Routledge.
Storey, D. (2012) Land, territory and identity, in I. Convery, G. Corsane and P. Davis (eds) Making Sense of Place: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 11-22.
Holmes, M. and Storey, D. (2011) Transferring national allegiance: cultural affinity or flag of convenience? Sport in Society 14 (2), 253-271.
Storey, D. (2011) Football, place and migration: Foreign footballers in the FA Premier League, Geography 96 (2), 86-94.
Barton, A., Storey, D. and Palmer, C. (2011) A trip in the country? Policing drug use in rural settings, in R.I. Mawby and R. Yarwood (eds) Rural Policing and Policing the Rural. A Constable Countryside? Farnham: Ashgate, 147-158.
Storey, D. (2010) Using the past: heritage and re-imagining rural places, in D.G. Winchell, D. Ramsey, R. Koster and G.M. Robinson (eds) Geographical Perspectives on Sustainable Rural Change, Rural Development Institute, Brandon ºüÀêÊÓƵ, 374-383.
Storey, D. (2010) Partnerships, people and place: Lauding the local in rural development, in G. Halseth, S. Markey and D. Bruce (eds) The Next Rural Economies: Constructing Rural Place in Global Economies, Wallingford: CABI, 155-165.
Recent Conference Presentations/Invited Talks
Geographies of Sport: Football, Citizenship and National Identity. Lovatt Lecture in Geography, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester, November 2023.
Sport, Identity and Citizenship: Nationality Choices in International Football. York St John ºüÀêÊÓƵ, May 2023.
Territory and National Identity. Geographical Association, North Staffordshire Branch, Staffordshire ºüÀêÊÓƵ, January 2023.
Territory and National Identity. Geographical Association, Birmingham Branch, February 2022.
Migration, Identity and Representation: Africa's Diaspora Footballers. SPRING Foundation Symposium, Université Catholique de Lille (France), October 2021.
Sport, Migration and National Identity: ‘African’ Footballers and Questions of Allegiance. European Association of Geographical Societies conference, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Galway, May 2019.
“Africa won the World Cup”. Football, Identity and Nationality Swapping. Pint of Science, Worcester, May 2019.
Sport, National Identity and Citizenship. RGS-IBG Annual Conference, Cardiff ºüÀêÊÓƵ, August 2018.
Crossing the Border: Football, Identity and Ireland’s Boys in Green. Political Studies Association/Sport and Politics Group International Conference, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Vic (Spain), June 2017.
The Gaelic Athletic Association: Balancing Community, Tradition and Modernity. Inter-Disciplinary Net Conference, Mansfield College, Oxford, September 2016.
Migration: Myths and Realities. Beacons Development Education Centre Annual Conference, Worcester, March 2016.
Which Boys In Green?: Identity Issues In Irish Soccer. Space, Place and Sport conference, Mansfield College Oxford, September 2015.
Re-imagining Market Towns. 8th Quadrennial Conference of British, Canadian and American Rural Geographers, Swansea ºüÀêÊÓƵ, July 2015.
The In-Humanitarian Present. Waging Endless War. Conference of Irish Geographers, Queens ºüÀêÊÓƵ Belfast, May 2015.
Sport, Place and Identity in Contemporary Ireland. Conference of Irish Geographers, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Galway, May 2013.
'New' Migrants in the British Countryside. 7th Quadrennial Conference of British, Canadian and American Rural Geographers, Duck Mountain (Canada), July 2011.
Wearing the Green. A Game of Political Football. Conference of Irish Geographers, Maynooth ºüÀêÊÓƵ, May 2010.