Papers in peer reviewed journals
Visser, F., Woodget, A., Skellern, A., Forsey, J., Warburton, J. and Johnson, R. (2019) An Evaluation of a Low-cost Pole Aerial Photography (PAP) and Structure from Motion (SfM) Approach for Topographic Surveying of Small Rivers. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 40 (24). pp. 9321-9351. ISSN Print: 0143-1161, Online: 1366-5901 ().
Schoelynck, J. and Creëlle, S. and Buis, K. and De Mulder, T. and Emsens, W. and Hein, T. and Meire, P. and Okruszko, T. and Preiner, S. and Roldan Gonzalez, R. and Silinski, A. and Temmerman, S. and Troch, P. and Van Oven, T. and Verschoren, V. and Visser, F. and Wang, C. and Wolters, J. and Folkard, A. (2018) What is a Macrophyte Patch? Patch Identification in Aquatic Ecosystems and Guidelines for Consistent Delineation. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 18 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1642-3593 ().
Visser F., Buis K., Verschoren, V and Schoelynck J. (2018) Very high resolution remote sensing and Object Based Image Analysis for monitoring of submerged aquatic vegetation in rivers. Hydrobiologia, 812 (1). pp. 157-175. ISSN 0018-8158 Online: 1573-5117 ().
Verschoren V., Schoelynck J., Buis K, Visser F., Meire P., Temmerman S. (2017) Mapping the Spatio-temporal Distribution of Key Vegetation Cover Properties in Lowland River Reaches, Using Digital Photography. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 189 (6): Article 294. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-017-6004-5 ().
Woodget A.S., Visser F., Maddock I.P. and Carbonneau P.E. (2016) The Accuracy and Reliability of Traditional Surface Flow Type Mapping: Is It Time for A New Method of Characterising Physical River Habitat? Rivers Research and Applications doi:10.1002/rra.3047 (
Visser F., Buis K., Verschoren, V and Schoelynck J. (2016) Very high resolution remote sensing and Object Based Image Analysis for monitoring of submerged aquatic vegetation in rivers. Hydrobiologia doi:10.1007/s10750-016-2928-y (
Visser F., Buis K., Verschoren V. and Meire P. (2015) Depth estimation of submerged aquatic vegetation in clear water streams using low-altitude optical remote sensing. Sensors 15: 25287-25312. doi:10.3390/s151025287 ()
Woodget A. S., Carbonneau P.E., Visser F. and Maddock I.P. (2015) Quantifying submerged fluvial topography using hyperspatial resolution UAS imagery and structure from motion photogrammetry. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40(1): 47-64. DOI: 10.1002/esp.3613 ()
Visser F. (2014) Rapid mapping of urban development from historic Ordnance Survey maps: An application for pluvial flood risk in Worcester. Journal of Maps 10(2): 276-288. DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2014.893847 ()
Visser F., Wallis C. and Sinnott A. (2013) Optical remote sensing of submerged aquatic vegetation: opportunities for shallow clear water streams. Limnologica 43(5): 388-389. DOI: 10.1016/j.limno.2013.05.005 ()
Wallis C., Maddock I.P., Visser F. & Acreman M. (2012) A framework for evaluating the spatial configuration and temporal dynamics of hydraulic patches. River Research and Applications. 28: 585-593 ().
Visser F., Roth C.H., Wasson R.J. and Govers G. (2007) A sediment budget for a cultivated floodplain in tropical North Queensland, Australia. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 32(10): 1475-1490 ().
Papers in edited books
Wilkes M., Maddock I.P., Visser F. and Acreman M. (2013) Incorporating hydrodynamics into ecohydraulics: Incorporating hydrodynamics into ecohydraulics: the role of turbulence in the swimming performance and habitat selection of stream-dwelling fish. In: Maddock, I.P. Harby, A., Kemp P. & Wood P. (Eds.) Ecohydraulics: An Integrated Approach, Wiley. ().
Visser F. (2008) The day roads became rivers: A GIS-based assessment of flash floods in Worcester. In: Samuels, P. Huntington, S. Allsop, W. Harrop, J. (eds.) Flood Risk Management - Research and Practice, Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 1617-1621 ().
Visser F. (2006) Erosion and deposition rates on ‘headlands’ in low-gradient sugarcane land in Australia. In: Owens P.N. and Collins A.J. (eds.), Soil Erosion and Sediment Redistribution in River Catchments: Measurement, Modelling and Management. CAB International, Wallingford, pp. 254-263 ().
Visser F., Roth C.H., Wasson R.J. and Prosser I.P. (2002) Quantifying sediment sources in low-lying sugarcane land: a sediment budget approach. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication no. 276, Proceedings of the Alice Springs Symposium, pp. 169-175 ().
Conference presentations
Visser, F. (2018) Remote Sensing Magic: developing tools to make the invisible visible for a range of audiences. RSPSoc Annual Conference, September, Birmingham, UK.
Visser, F., Woodget, A., Skellern, A., Forsey, J., Warburton, J., Johnson, R. (2017) A multi-platform surveying data comparison: is a ‘camera-on-a-stick’ the new must-have tool for geomorphologists? RSPSoc Annual Conference, September, London, UK.
Visser, F., Verschoren, V., Schoelynck, J., Buis, K. (2016) Visible light imagery versus near infrared imagery for the detection of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in rivers using Object Based Image Analysis. RSPSoc Annual Conference, September, Nottingham, UK.
Visser, F., Verschoren, V., Schoelynck, J., Buis, K. (2016). Development of a knowledge driven Rule Set for Classification of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in a Clear Water Stream: Where do you draw the boundaries...? GEOBIA 2016, September, ITC Twente, the Netherlands ().
Woodget, A.S., Austrums, R., Visser, F., Maddock, I.P. and Carbonneau, P. (2016) Quantifying fluvial substrate size using UAS-SfM derived point clouds. Small Unmanned Aerial Systems for Environmental Research, June, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester, UK.
Woodget, A.S., Visser, F., Maddock, I.P. and Carbonneau, P. (2016) Quantifying fluvial substrate size using hyperspatial resolution UAS imagery and SfM-photogrammetry. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, 7-12 February 2016, Melbourne, Australia ().
Visser F. and Woodget A. (2012) Object-based image analysis of very high resolution image data for detection and mapping of submerged aquatic vegetation. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, Vienna. ().
Visser F. and Hill R.A. (2011) Application of hyperspectral image data for species detection and biomass estimation of submerged macrophytes in UK chalk streams. Proceedings of the 7th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy. Edinburgh, April 11-13 2011. URL: ().
Visser F. and C. Wallis (2010) Object-based analysis and multispectral low-altitude remote sensing for low-cost mapping of chalk steam macrophytes. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXVIII-4/C7
Visser F. and Smolar-Žvanut N. (2009) Detecting Submerged Macrophytes in a UK Chalk Stream Using Field Spectroscopy. In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society, 8-11 September 2009, Leicester, pp. 541-547 ().
Visser, F. (2008) An assessment of the historic development of Worcester in relation to pluvial and fluvial flooding. ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester Research Focus One-Day Conference, Landscape and Heritage, November 2008.
Other publications
Visser, F. (2018) UAS4ENVIRO 2017 and some thoughts on the future of RSPSoc. Sensed (Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society (RSPSoc) Newsletter) No. 68 pp. 7-9.
Visser, F. (2013) A sediment budget for an area of sugarcane cultivation on the Herbert River floodplain, NE Australia. Key Concepts in Geomorphology Vignette ().
Maddock, Ian and Visser, Fleur and Hill, Graham and Holliday, Richard and Wynn, Duncan (2007) Project Report. ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester ().
Visser, F., Govers, G., Van Oost, K., Cerdan, O., Quine, T. and Vandekerckhove, L. (2005) Analysis of the crop productivity - soil erosion relationship using hyperspectral data. K.U.Leuven, Final Report HYMAP2004.
- Visser (2003) Sediment budget for cane land on the Lower Herbert River floodplain, North Queensland, Australia. PhD thesis, Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian National ºüÀêÊÓƵ, 257 pp. ()