Dr Jackie Bentley


Senior Lecturer

Department of Pre-Registration Nursing

Contact Details

email: jackie.bentley@worc.ac.uk

Registered General Nurse

Registered Sick Childrens Nurse

BSc (Hons) Nursing


Teaching & Research

Child Health
Research interests Child health, pain

Professional Experience

Childrens trauma

Accident and Emergency


Childrens medicine


Bentley J. (2015) Research and Commentary (on behalf of RiCH-on article by Cleaver K et al (2014) Attitudes towards young people who self-harm: age, an influencing factor. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 70, 12, 2884-2896.) Nursing Children and Young People 27(3)13.

Bentley J. (2015) The role of vitamin D in infants, children and young people Nursing Children and Young People 27 (1) 28-35.

Bentley J., J. Rouse and J. Pinfield (2014) Measles: pathology, management and public health issues Nursing Standard 28(38)51-58

Bentley J (2014) The anatomy and physiology of pain Chapter 2 in Twycross A et al (Eds); Managing Pain in Children a Clinical Guide Wiley Blackwell Chichester

Bentley, J. Pinfield J., and Rouse J. (2013) Continuing Professional Development Whooping cough: identification, assessment and management Nursing Standard 28(11) 50-57.

Bentley (2013) Vitamin D deficiency: identifying gaps in the evidence base Nursing Standard 27(46)35-41.

Bentley (2013) Research Commentary Pizarro et al (2013) Is walking to school associated with improved metabolic health? International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity 10:12

Bentley J. (2012) Research Digest subject Vitamin D Nursing Children and Young People 24(5)p10

Bentley J (2012) Research and Commentary: on Vinall J, Miller S P, Chau V, Brummelte S, Synnes A R, and Grunau R E 2012 Neonatal pain in relation to postnatal growth in infants born very preterm. Pain, 153, 1374-1381; Nursing Children and Young People 24(9) p11

Bentley J. (2011) Research Digest (chronic pain) Nursing Children and Young People 23(5) 10.

Bentley J. (2011) On the Web (Web review on accident prevention and child safety) Nursing Children and Young People 23(8) 9.

External Responsibilities

External Examiner (OU)