You will be taught through a flexible, blended learning approach, with a blended campus-based approach adopted. Synchronous sessions will include both campus-based and online (using the VLE) lead lectures, workshops, group activities, skills and simulation. Asynchronous delivery will be facilitated through the recording of synchronous sessions, flipped classroom approaches, guided reading, online discussion forums and e-learning packages.
Seminars enable the discussion and development of understanding of topics covered in lectures, and simulation learning is focused on developing subject-specific skills in a safe environment. Service user-developed case studies (across the lifespan) support a scenario-based approach to learning, which guides learning and assessment strategies, ensuring all learning is centred on real-life situations. A blended learning approach uses a range of strategies including Blackboard Collaborate, flipped classroom and e-learning packages. Safe-medicate will facilitate numeracy and medicines management development and clinicalskills.net to support essential skill development. Blackboard will be used for all modules for directed and e-learning activities including links to ‘e-learning for health’, which is an e-learning for healthcare practitioners and includes preventing falls in hospital and cultural competence.
You will have a named Personal Academic Tutor for the whole of the programme. You will have the opportunity to meet with your Personal Academic Tutor at four scheduled group meetings in the first year to ensure you are settling into ºüÀêÊÓƵ life, to signpost to any ºüÀêÊÓƵ services needed and to provide academic support, enabling you to reflect on progress and set future goals for achievement academically and for employability, and to become autonomous learners. In Year 2, to reflect growing confidence, a combination of individual and group meetings will be facilitated, with the expectation of three planned meetings. You can request at any point across your programme an individual personal academic tutorial. There will also be designated sessions provided by the Personal Academic Tutor relating to Academic Integrity, and academic and reflective writing skills. These will be scheduled during Independent/Directed Study weeks.
The ºüÀêÊÓƵ places emphasis on enabling students to develop the independent learning capabilities that will equip them for lifelong learning and future employment, as well as academic achievement. A mixture of independent/directed study, teaching and academic support from Student Services and Library Services, and also the personal academic tutoring system enables students to reflect on progress and build up a profile of skills, achievements and experiences that will help them to flourish and be successful. With study skills embedded into the early stages of the course to help promote student achievement and confidence with learning and assessment. Study skills are further enhanced by the delivery of academic study days, provided by the Language School, available to all students.
At the core of the Nursing Associate programme is learning in a range of clinical settings, learning in the real world which facilitates work-readiness, personal and professional development. Mandatory practice learning equates to 50% of the programme credit for each year. Nursing Associate placements will be arranged by the Placement Learning Support Team (PLAST) and will run throughout each semester across the year, with experiences normally in a minimum of two practice placements each year. The use of ‘spokes’ will also maximise the learning opportunities offered by diverse and non-traditional settings, offering exposure to opportunities to care for people across the lifespan, with mental and physical health needs and learning disabilities. Enhanced practice learning days rooted in clinical practice, provide opportunities to consolidate learning, provide opportunity for reflection and interprofessional learning, including added value learning experiences and seek additional support as necessary to promote inclusive learning in the practice setting.
Nursing Associate students on placement are supernumerary. For apprentices only, completing their primary placement they will have protected learning time. You will be supported by a practice supervisor and assessed by a practice assessor, both having undergone appropriate preparation for their roles. Further support is provided by an academic assessor allocated for each part of the programme. You will have access to internet and library resources whilst on placement.
You will be provided with opportunities to complete skills and simulated learning activities. All skills and simulation activities involve a range of people including students, peers, service users/carers, practitioners, technicians, academics and includes role play, ‘hands on’ practical skills sessions using a range of simulation manikins, video recording and playback. Formative feedback on performance is provided to facilitate safe and effective support for essential skills development, in simulation suites, replicating clinical practice learning environments. 2 weeks (37 hours per week) across both semesters will be allocated each year for simulated practice learning. An induction to practice placements will also be included so all nursing associate students are prepared for placement.