Meeting Centres
A Meeting Centre is a local resource, operating out of ordinary community buildings, that offers on-going warm and friendly expert and peer support to people with mild to moderate dementia and their families. At the heart of the Meeting Centre is a social club where people meet to have fun, talk to others and get help that focuses on what they need. Meeting Centres are based on sound research evidence of what helps people to cope well in adjusting to living with the symptoms and changes that dementia brings. The local focus helps agencies and organisations to collaborate and work together effectively in helping people live well with dementia. This can help to counteract some of the fragmentation of care and disconnect that some people may otherwise experience.
You can find out more about what makes a Meeting Centre by looking at the 'essential features' of a Meeting Centre .
Our UK Meeting Centre Support Programme was extended and followed by the 'Embed' project, which explored various options relating to how to take Meeting Centres forward in the future and how the network of existing, new and emerging Meeting Centres could be supported and developed. We are now providing ongoing support to Meeting Centres through a Community of Learning and Practice and the provision of an online training course for Meeting Centre staff and volunteers.
Keep up to date with everything related to Meeting Centres by attending our regular webinars.
The following two videos indicate what Meeting Centres are, focusing on two different audiences:
Additional Meeting Centres resources include:
- The
- Useful documents and videos which can be accessed here
- Information about
If you would like to learn more about the Worcestershire Meeting Centres Community Support Programme please see this page.
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