We supply and produce the pollen forecast for the UK in conjunction with the Met Office.

Weekly pollen forecast and summary


Forecast to 13th September:  Pollen: weed pollen low to moderate; Spores: High.

Grass Pollen Count - Low

 Pollen forecast for grass with a low green pollen count.

Grass pollen will fade out.

Tree Pollen Count - Low

 Pollen forecast for trees with a low green pollen count.

Tree pollen very low, except for some atlantic cedar pollen from mid-September, to which a minority of people are allergic.

Fungal Spore Levels - High

Pollen forecast for spores with a high orange pollen count.

Cladosporium, Epicoccum & Alternaria will be at a high risk during warm, dry weather. Leptosphaeria and allies will be high during very humid conditions. Aspergillus/Penicillium will rise to high occasionally when warm.

Weed Pollen Count - Moderate

 Pollen forecast for weeds with a moderate yellow pollen count.

Nettle & pellitory-of-the-wall (Parietaria) at moderate risk during warm, dry weather in central regions. Low risk in all other regions. Season will fade out from mid-September.


Further Information      

We are sorry to announce that we will no longer be providing a weekly pollen forecast

The wealth of information on our website will continue to be available to help people understand pollen and fungal spores and their impacts on allergy sufferers, and advice on how to mitigate the effects (please see the menu). 


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