Jennifer Bray


Research Assistant - Association for Dementia Studies

School of Health and Wellbeing

Association for Dementia Studies

Contact Details

tel: 01905 54 2326

Jennifer Bray is a Research Assistant with the Association for Dementia Studies and has worked in project research and evaluation since 2001. After joining the Association for Dementia Studies in 2010, Jennifer has worked across a number of research projects and enjoys the variety that this brings to her role.

The diverse nature of her role has enabled Jennifer to explore dementia in different care settings and in relation to a variety of topic areas. This has enabled her to develop expertise in dementia and sight loss, intergenerational aspects of dementia awareness, and the use of technology with people living with dementia. She has a strong background in both quantitative and qualitative analysis skills.


BSc French and Mathematics, Exeter ºüÀêÊÓƵ (2000)

Research and Knowledge Exchange

Research: Jennifer has been involved with the following projects and evaluations:

  • Holdenhurst Community Link Worker Evaluation
  • Supporting people living with dementia in Extra Care Housing (DemECH) follow-on activities
  • Crossing the Line: Support for family carers providing personal care for people with dementia 
  • Worcester Life Stories
  • Championing Physical Activity for people affected by dementia
  • Designing for Everyone: An environmental assessment toolkit for primary care premises
  • Get Real with Meeting Centres: A realist evaluation of locally-driven social care for those affected by dementia
  • Developing the Gardens version of the Enhancing the Healing Environment assessment tool
  • UK Meeting Centres Support Programme and follow-on Embed project
  • Evaluation of the 'Dementia Adventure in a Box' project
  • Wear to Care: A person-centred exploratory study of care staff clothing in care homes for people with dementia
  • Evaluation of the Creative Ageing Programme
  • Researching the impact of the Worcestershire Dementia Dwelling Grants
  • Green Dementia Care project
  • Namaste Care Intervention UK project
  • National Resource Centre for Carers of People with Dementia
  • Developing the Sanctuary dementia friendly design standards
  • Evaluation of the ABMU dementia care training programme
  • Evaluation of The Courtyards Making of Me arts and dementia project
  • EU MeetingDem project
  • Evaluation of the use of the Keys to Care resource
  • Refreshing the Admiral Nurse Competency Framework
  • Evaluation of the use of iPads in care homes
  • Evaluation of the Alzheimer's Society My Musical Memories pilot
  • Evaluation of the Alzheimer's Society Connecting Communities pilot
  • Dementia Action Alliance Impact Survey
  • Evaluation of My Home Life Admiral Nurses
  • Dementia and Sight Loss Project
  • Evaluation of the RCN dementia development programme
  • Evaluation of the Focussed Intervention Training for Staff education programme
  • Evaluation of the Intergenerational Schools Project
  • Evaluation of the Carers as Educators pilot
  • Evaluation of Dementia Adventure training
  • Evaluation of the Early Intervention Dementia Service
  • Delivering excellence in dementia care in the acute hospital - evaluation
  • EU ALCOVE project
  • Evaluation of the Dementia Adviser Service
  • Development of the Care Fit for VIPS toolkit
  • Investigating training and education programmes on dementia and end of life care

Knowledge exchange: Jennifer was part of the team that developed the website, a free, online toolkit to help improve the quality of dementia care. She also has an active role in maintaining the five versions of the website which focus on care homes, domiciliary care, day care settings, hospitals and community settings.

Jennifer was also involved in work to convert the 'paper' versions of the Enhancing the Healing Environment assessment tool into an App.

Additionally, Jennifer is responsible for promoting the Association for Dementia Studies by running the page, page, page, page, page, and helping to keep the website up-to-date.


Jennifer has experience of delivering occasional teaching sessions within the ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester and more widely. These have included:

  • Working with families living with dementia (2019), Student Nurse Conference, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Family centred dementia care (2017), Student Nurse Conference, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • The Intergenerational Schools Project (2016), Student Nurse Conference, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Dementia: Key facts and figures (2014), Student Nurse Conference, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Prime Ministers Challenge on Dementia Intergenerational Schools Project (2014), Gerontology International Summer School, Keele ºüÀêÊÓƵ
  • Delivering Excellence in Dementia Care in the Acute Hospital (2013) Adult Nursing students, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Delivering Excellence in Dementia Care in the Acute Hospital (2012) ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Delivering Excellence in Dementia Care in the Acute Hospital (2012) Adult Nursing students, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester

She has helped to develop the online modules as part of the Post Graduate Certificate in Person-Centred Dementia Studies, including producing a variety of videos to support students to uses the online platform.

She has also supported the development of the Meeting Centres online training course, again producing instructional videos to support students.

Publications and dissemination


  • Bray, J., Evans, S., Lord, N. & Payne-Lunn S. (2024). Community engagement with heritage-based resources online. Journal of Dementia Care, 32(3), 38-41
  • Morton, T., Evans, S.B., Swift, R., Bray, J., Frost, F. & Russell, C. (2024). Reaching people and managing membership in community-based dementia support groups: The Get Real with Meeting Centres Realist Evaluation Part 1, Aging & Mental Health,
  • Morton, T., Evans, S. B., Swift, R., Bray, J., Frost, F., Russell, C., Brooker, D., Wong, G. & Hullah, N. (2024). Strategic and operational issues in sustaining community-based dementia support groups: the Get Real with Meeting Centres realist evaluation part 2. Aging & Mental Health, 1–9.
  • Tinelli, M., Morton, T., Bray, J., Henderson, C., Frost, F., & Evans, S. (2024). Using choice modelling to inform service sustainability for dementia Meeting Centres for people living with dementia in the UK. Aging & Mental Health, 28(12), 1713–1725.
  • Waller, S. & Bray, J. (2024). 'Cognitively inclusive' toolkit aiming to get design right. Health Estate Journal, 78 (6), 51-54
  • Waller, S., Evans, S., Bray, J. & Atkinson, T. (2023) Designing for Everyone: Can the principles of dementia friendly design inform design for neurodiversity in healthcare settings? Working with Older People
  • Atkinson, T., Russell, C., Bruce, M., Jacobson-Wright, N. & Bray, J. (2023) Developing a distance learning Post Graduate qualification for professionals in dementia care – our journey. Journal of Dementia Care, 31(3) 33-35
  • Bray, J. & Payne-Lunn, S. (2023). Worcester Life Stories. The Archaeologist, Autumn (120), 15-17.
  • Morton, T., Evans, S., Swift, R., Bray, J. and Frost, F. (2023), "The legacy of COVID-19 in dementia community support: ongoing impacts on the running of meeting centres", Working with Older People, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
  • Russell, C., Oatley, R., Bray, J., Jacobson-Wright, N., Stephens, N., Howard, T. (2023) Championing physical activity for people affected by dementia. Journal of Dementia Care, 31(2), 19-20
  • Atkinson, T., Bray, J. & Williamson, T. (2022) You’re in a new game and you don’t know the rules: Preparing carers to care. Dementia, 21(7), 2128-2143. doi:10.1177/14713012221112242
  • Bray, J., Atkinson, T. & Williamson, T. (2022) You matter! Training to support family carers of people living with dementia. Journal of Dementia Care, 30(3) 20-24
  • Bray, J., Brooker, D., Frost, F. & Mumford, S. (2022). Care home uniforms: exploring stakeholders' views on clothing options for staff, Nursing Older People. Doi:10.7748/nop.2022.e1379
  • Bray, J., Evans, S.C. & Atkinson, T. (2022). Spreading the word: enablers and challenges to implementing a nature-based intervention for people living with dementia. Working with Older People.
  • Evans, S.B., Bray, J., Brooker, D. & Stephens, N. (2022). The Essential Features of Meeting Centres: development of the UK criteria for community support for people and families affected by dementia. Working with Older People.
  • Evans, S.C., Atkinson, T., Rogerson, M. & Bray, J. (2022). Nature-based activities for people living with dementia: a nice day out or a matter of human rights? Working with Older People, 26(1), 64-75.
  • Morton, T., Evans, S.B., Brooker, D., Williamson, T., Wong, G., Tinelli, M., Frost, F., Bray, J. & Hullah, N. (2022). Sustainability of locally driven centres for those affected by dementia: a protocol for the get real with meeting centres realist evaluation. BMJ Open,12(5) e062697. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-062697
  • Evans, S.B., Bray, J. and Brooker, D. (2021). How Meeting Centres continue to support people affected by dementia: Report on UK Covid-19 impact. Working with Older People, 25(4), 283-293. DOI 10.1108/WWOP-12-2020-0060
  • Evans, S.C., Bray, J. & Garabedian, C. (2021). Supporting creative ageing through the arts: The impacts and implementation of a creative arts programme for older people. Working with Older People, 26(1), 22-30.
  • Evans, S.C., Bray, J. and Waller, S. (2021). Designing inclusive environments for people living with dementia: how much do we really know? Working with Older People
  • Frost, F., Bray, J., Brooker, D. & Mumford, S. (2021). What should we wear to care? An exploratory study. Journal of Dementia Care, 29(6), 24-27.
  • Bray, J., Brooker, D., Latham, I. and Baines, D. (2021). Modelling the comparative costs of Namaste Care: Results from the Namaste Care Intervention UK study. Working with Older People.
  • Henderson, C., Rehill, A., Brooker, D., Evans, S.C., Evans, S.B., Bray, J. Saibene, F., Scorolli, C., Szczesniak, D., d'Arma, A., Lion, K., Atkinson, T., Farina, E., Rymaszewska, J., Chattat, R., Meiland, F., Droes, R., Knapp, M. (2021). Costs and Cost-Effectiveness of the Meeting Centres Support Programme for People Living with Dementia in Italy, Poland and the UK: The MEETINGDEM Study. Health and Social Care in the Community
  • Evans, S., Garabedian, C., Bray, J. and Gray, K. (2020). Challenges and enablers for creative arts practice in care homes. Journal of Applied Arts & Health, 10(3), 333-345.
  • Latham, I., Brooker, D., Bray, J., Jacobson-Wright, N. and Frost, F. (2020). The Impact of Implementing a Namaste Care Intervention in UK Care Homes for People Living with Advanced Dementia, Staff and Families. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(16), 6004
  • Bray, J. (2019). Permission to speak: encouraging conversations. Journal of Dementia Care, 27(2), 12-13.
  • Bray, J., Atkinson, T., Latham, I. & Brooker, D. (2019). Practice of Namaste Care for people living with dementia in the UK. Nursing Older People, 31(1), 22-28.
  • Bray, J., Brooker, D. J., & Garabedian, C. (2019). What is the evidence for the activities of Namaste Care? A rapid assessment review. Dementia.
  • Bray, J., Brooker, D., Latham, I., Wray, F., & Baines, D. (2019). Costing resource use of the Namaste Care Intervention UK: A novel framework for costing dementia care interventions in care homes. International Psychogeriatrics, 1-10.
  • Bray, J. and Carter, C. (2019). Competency and critical reflection. Journal of Dementia Care, 27(6) 30-31
  • Carter, C., Bray, J. and Read, K. (2019). The Admiral Nurse Competency Framework: Encouraging engagement and putting it into practice. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 50(5), 205-210.
  • Evans, S.C., Barrett, J., Mapes, N., Hennell, J., Atkinson, T., Bray, J., Garabedian, C. & Russell, C. (2019). Connections with nature for people living with dementia. Working with Older People,
  • Evans, S., Garabedian, C., Bray, J. and Gray, K. (2019). Mentoring and peer support as facilitators of arts-based practice in care homes. Journal of Applied Arts & Health, 10(2), 169-184.
  • Evans, S., Garabedian, C., Bray, J., Kennard, R. and Herz, M. (2019). Evaluation of Active Minds activity kits in care homes. Journal of Dementia Care, 27(2), 22-25.
  • Evans, S.C., Waller, S., Bray, J. & Atkinson, T. (2019). Making Homes More Dementia-Friendly through the Use of Aids and Adaptations. Healthcare, 7(1) 43.
  • Bray, J., Atkinson, T., Latham, I. & Brooker, D. (2018). Practice of Namaste Care for people living with dementia in the UK. Nursing Older People, 31(1), 22-28.
  • Evans, S., Garabedian, C., Bray, J., Kennard, R. and Herz, M. (2019). Evaluation of Active Minds activity kits in care homes. Journal of Dementia Care, 27(2), 22-25.
  • Brooker, D., Evans, S., Evans, S., Bray, J., Sabine, F., Scorolli, C., SzczeÅ›niak, D., d'Arma, A., UrbaÅ„ska, K., Atkinson, T., Farina, E., Rymaszewska, J., Chattat, R., Henderson, C., Rehill, A., Hendriks, I., Meiland, F. & Dröes, R. (2018). Evaluation of the implementation of the Meeting Centres Support Program in Italy, Poland, and the UK; exploration of the effects on people with dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 1–10.
  • Carter, C., Bray, J., Read, K., Harrison-Dening, K., Thompson, R. & Brooker, D. (2018). Articulating the unique competencies of Admiral Nurse Practice. Working with Older People, 22(3), 139-147.
  • Evans, S.B., Evans, S.C., Brooker, D., Henderson, C., SzczeÅ›niak, D., Atkinson, T., Bray, J., Rehill, A., Saibene, F., d'Arma, A., Scorolli, C., Chattat, R., Farina, E., UrbaÅ„ska, K., Rymaszewska, J., Meiland, F. & Dröes, R. (2018). The impact of the implementation of the Dutch combined Meeting Centres Support Programme for family caregivers of people with dementia in Italy, Poland and UK. Aging & Mental Health.
  • Evans, S.B., Bray, J. and Evans S.C. (2017). The iPad project: Introducing iPads into care homes in the UK to support digital inclusion. Gerontechnology 16(2), 91-100.
  • Evans, S., Garabedian, C. and Bray, J. (2017). 'Now he sings'. The My Musical Memories Reminiscence Programme: Personalised interactive reminiscence sessions for people living with dementia. Dementia.
  • Evans, S. and Bray, J. (2016) Best practice for providing social care and support to people living with concurrent sight loss and dementia: professional perspectives. Working with Older People, 20, 2. 86-93.
  • Bray, J., Atkinson, T. and Kitchen, S. (2015). Looking back, looking ahead: priorities for a strategy now. Journal of Dementia Care. Vol 23, No. 1, pp. 16-17
  • Bray, J., Evans, S., Thompson, R., Bruce, M., Carter, C., Brooker, D., Milosevic, S., Coleman, H. and McSherry, W. (2015). Understanding the needs of people with dementia and family carers. Nursing Older People, 27, 7, 18-23
  • Bray, J., Evans, S., Bruce, M., Carter, C., Brooker, D., Milosevic, S., Thompson, R. and Hutt, L. (2015) Improving activity and engagement for patients with dementia. Nursing Older People, 27, 8, 22-26.
  • Bray, J., Evans, S., Bruce, M., Carter, C., Brooker, D., Milosevic, S., Thompson, R. and Hutt, L. (2015) Improving the hospital environment for people with dementia. Nursing Older People, 27, 9, 16-20.
  • Bray, J., Evans, S., Bruce, M., Carter, C., Brooker, D., Milosevic, S., Thompson, R. and Woods, C. (2015) Enabling hospital staff to care for people with dementia. Nursing Older People, 27, 10, 29-32.
  • Brooker, D., Latham, I., Evans, S., Jacobson, N., Perry, W., Bray, J., Ballard, C., Fossey, J. and Pickett, J. (2015). FITS into Practice: translating research into practice in reducing the use of anti-psychotic medication for people with dementia living in care homes. Aging & Mental Health.
  • Evans, S., Brooker, D., Thompson, R., Bray, J., Milosevic, S., Bruce, M. and Carter, C. (2015). Introduction to the transforming dementia care in hospitals series. Nursing Older People, 27(6), 18-24.
  • Upton, D., Bray, J., Jones, T. and Upton, P. (2014). Touchscreen technology the evidence. Australian Journal of Dementia Care. Vol 3, No. 1, pp. 29-30.
  • Brooker, D., La Fontaine, J., Evans, S., Bray, J. & Saad, K., (2014) Public health guidance to facilitate timely diagnosis of dementia: Alzheimers Cooperative Valuation in Europe (ALCOVE) Recommendations, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
  • Upton, D., Bray, J., Jones, T. and Upton, P. (2013). Touchscreen technology the evidence. Journal of Dementia Care. Vol 21, No. 3, pp. 16-17.

Book chapters:

  • Atkinson, T. and Bray, J. (2016) 'They are still the same as you on the outside just a bit different on the inside' Raising awareness of dementia through the school curriculum. In Chew-Graham, C. and Ray, M. (2016). Mental Health and Older People: A Guide for Primary Care Practitioners. Springer.

Project reports and outputs:

  • Atkinson, T., Bray, J., Barrett, J. (2024). Holdenhurst Evaluation of Community Link Worker Role – Final Report. Association for Dementia Studies
  • Bray, J., Davies, S., Finch, E. & Evans, S. (2023). Cart Shed data report: Exploring the possibilities for using the data collected from participants attending the Cart Shed. Association for Dementia Studies
  • Evans, S. & Bray, J. (2023). Starting the conversation: Exploring use of the Know Your Place and Herefordshire and Worcestershire Life Stories online platforms.
  • Morton, T., Swift, R., Evans, S.B., Bray, J., Frost, F. & Wong, G. (2023). What you can do to help your Meeting Centre: Suggestions for people who attend Meeting Centres. ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester ISBN 978-0-903607-42-1
  • Morton, T., Swift, R., Evans, S.B., Bray, J., Frost, F. & Wong, G. (2023). Keeping Meeting Centres going long term: Recommendations for people running Meeting Centres. ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester ISBN 978-0-903607-43-8
  • Morton, T., Swift, R., Evans, S.B., Bray, J., Frost, F. & Wong, G. (2023). Sustaining Meeting Centres and similar community-led dementia support: Suggestions for health and care professionals. ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester ISBN 978-0-903607-44-5
  • Stephens, N. & Bray, J. (2023). Evaluating the effectiveness of the Herefordshire Dementia Voices project. Association for Dementia Studies
  • Swift, R., Evans, S., Morton, T., Bray, J. & Atkins, J. (2023). Get Real with Meeting Centres - Demographic Profile. Association for Dementia Studies
  • Swift, R., Evans, S., Morton, T., Bray, J. & Wong, G. (2022). Get Real with Meeting Centres - Herefordshire and Worcestershire Meeting Centres: barriers to attendance and recommendations for how to address them. Association for Dementia Studies
  • Frost, F., Bray, J., Brooker, D. & Mumford, S. (2020). Wear to Care: A person-centred exploratory study of care staff clothing in care homes for people living with dementia. Association for Dementia Studies
  • Latham, I., Bray, J., Brooker, D. & Frost, F. (2020). Delivering Excellent Care Every Day for People Living with Advanced Dementia. Association for Dementia Studies
  • Atkinson, T. and Bray, J. (2019). Dementia Carers Count: Evaluation of the Dementia Carer's Support Courses. Dementia Carer's Support Courses: Impact Report. Association for Dementia Studies, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Atkinson, T. and Bray, J. (2019). Dementia Carers Count: Looking after the Big Fish. Dementia Carers Count Trainers: Process Report. Association for Dementia Studies, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Evans, S. and Bray, J. (2019). 'Very different, a good different' Evaluating the Creative Ageing Pop-Up Programmes: Annual Report for 2018/19 and Final Report. Association for Dementia Studies, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Evans, S. and Bray, J. (2019). The Creative Ageing Programme ‘Turn the Beat Around’ 2018-19. Association for Dementia Studies, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Barrett, J., Bray, J. and Evans, S.C. (2018). Green Dementia Care in accommodation and care settings – opportunities, barriers and good practice: Final report to the Abbeyfield Research Foundation. Association for Dementia Studies, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Evans, S.C., Bray, J., Waller, S. and Atkinson, T. (2018). An independent evaluation of the Dementia Dwelling Grants pilot programme: Final report. Association for Dementia Studies, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Garabedian, C., Evans, S.C. and Bray, J. (2018). The Creative Ageing Programme ‘Colour Me Purple’ Project – An independent evaluation: Final Report. Association for Dementia Studies, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Barrett, J., Bray, J. and Evans, S.C. (2017). Green Dementia Care in accommodation and care settings – opportunities, barriers and good practice: Interim report to the Abbeyfield Research Foundation. Association for Dementia Studies, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Brooker, D. and Bray, J. (2017). Overall responses to the Baptist Care VIPS Survey. Association for Dementia Studies, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Waller, S. & Bray, J. (2017). Sanctuary Care Design Manual: Incorporating ‘Walk with Me’ Dementia Friendly Design
  • Bruce, M., Bray, J., Evans, S. & Brooker, D. (2016). Evaluation of the Abertawe Bro Morgannwg ºüÀêÊÓƵ Health Board Dementia Training Programme. Association for Dementia Studies, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Carter, C., Read, K., Bray, J., Dutton, G. and Brooker, D. (2016). The Admiral Nurse Competency Framework: A Resource for Practice. ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Evans, S., Garabedian, C., Jacobson, N. and Bray, J. (2016). A pilot study into the effects of therapeutic sound in care home residents with dementia: An external evaluation report. Association for Dementia Studies, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Latham, I., Bray, J. and Brooker, D. (2016). An Evaluation of the Keys to Care Resource. Association for Dementia Studies, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester.
  • Latham, I., Bray, J. and Brooker, D. (2016). Summary Report: Evaluation of the Keys to Care Resource. Association for Dementia Studies, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Bray, J. Evans, S. and Brooker, D. (2015) The Alzheimer's Society Connecting Communities Project: External Evaluation - Final Report. Association for Dementia Studies, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Evans, S. and Bray, J. provided input to: NIHR School for Social Care Research (2015). Best practice in social care and support for adults with concurrent sight loss and dementia within different housing settings. National Institute for Health Research
  • Evans, S., Bray, J. and Evans, S. (2015) How iPads can support people with dementia living in care homes: A study by the ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester, working with Anchor. An evaluation report. Association for Dementia Studies, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Latham, I., Atkinson, T., Bray, J., Evans, S., and Elliot, V. (2015). Evaluation of the My Home Life Admiral Nurse Role in the Orders of St John Care Trust. Association for Dementia Studies, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Bray, J. and Evans, S. (2014). Dementia and sight loss project: Focus groups analysis Initial analysis of focus groups and interviews with professionals. Association for Dementia Studies, Institute of Health and Society, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Evans, S. and Bray, J. (2014). An evaluation of the Dementia Adventure Natural Leaders Programme. Association for Dementia Studies, Institute of Health and Society, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester, UK.
  • Evans, S., Gardiner, C. and Bray, J. (2014). Shared Lives Plus: The Big Survey Final Report Version Two. Association for Dementia Studies, Institute of Health and Society, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Jutlla, K., Bray, J. and Evans, S. (2014). The Connecting Communities Project: External Evaluation Annual Report covering May 2013 April 2014. Association for Dementia Studies, Institute of Health and Society, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Atkinson, T. and Bray, J. (2013). Dementia Friendly Communities: Schools and Intergenerational Work Interim report. Association for Dementia Studies, Institute of Health and Society, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Atkinson, T. and Bray, J. (2013). Dementia Friendly Communities: Schools and Intergenerational Work Final report. Association for Dementia Studies, Institute of Health and Society, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Brooker, D., Leung, D., Bowley, K., Etches, C., Bray, J., Smith, P., Willoughby, J., Hampson, G. & Upton, D. (2013). The dementia care bundle: Improving the quality and safety of hospital care for patients with acute physical illness who have co-existing dementia. London: The Health Foundation
  • Brooker, D., La Fontaine, J., Bray, J. and Evans, S. (2013). Timely Diagnosis of Dementia ALCOVE WP5 Task 1 & 2. Association for Dementia Studies, Institute of Health and Society, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Evans, S. and Bray, J. (2013). Carers as Educators: Interim report Initial findings. Association for Dementia Studies, Institute of Health and Society, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Evans, S., Bray, J. and Brooker, D. (2013). Carers as Educators: Final report. Association for Dementia Studies, Institute of Health and Society, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Brooker, D., La Fontaine, J., Evans, S., Vickers, H. and Bray, J. (2012). ALCOVE; Work Package 5 Early Diagnosis Literature Review: Milestone 2 Publication of operational criteria for dementia diagnosis in order to access a common definition. Association for Dementia Studies, Institute of Health and Society, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Upton, D., Krishnan, N., Bray, J., Bowen, T. and Foote, C. (2012). An evaluation of quality and cost effectiveness of a newly defined suite of care interventions for patients with dementia and their carers in the acute hospital setting developed by The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust: Report Phase 1. Institute of Health and Society, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Upton, D., Krishnan, N., Bray, J., Bowen, T. and Foote, C. (2012). An evaluation of quality and cost effectiveness of a newly defined suite of care interventions for patients with dementia and their carers in the acute hospital setting developed by The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust: Report Phase 2 - Volume 1. Institute of Health and Society, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • Upton, D., Krishnan, N., Bray, J., Bowen, T. and Foote, C. (2012). An evaluation of quality and cost effectiveness of a newly defined suite of care interventions for patients with dementia and their carers in the acute hospital setting developed by The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust: Report Phase 2 - Volume 2: Supporting evidence. Institute of Health and Society, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • de Vries, K., Brooker, D. and Bray, J. (2011). Training and education programmes on dementia and end of life care in the context of the West Midlands Clinical Pathway Group (Darzi) Dementia Pathway. Association for Dementia Studies, Institute of Health and Society, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • de Vries, K., Brooker, D. and Bray, J. (2011). End of life and dementia related services and education, Wolverhampton City NHS Primary Care Trust - Addendum. Association for Dementia Studies, Institute of Health and Society, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • La Fontaine, J., Brooker, D., Bray, J. and Milosevic, S.K. (2011). A Local Evaluation of Dementia Advisers (National Demonstrator Site) Worcestershire. Report for Dementia Adviser Service Implementation Team

Conference and event presentations:

  • Articulating your research for different audiences. (2024) Staff Researcher Development Programme, online
  • Dementia Friendly Environmental Assessment Tools. (2024) Dementia & Housing Working Group webinar series: Housing: Still Rising to the Dementia Challenge, online
  • Dementia related research: What do we do at the Association for Dementia Studies? (2024) Research & Innovation Webinar - Psychological Services Team, online
  • Dementia and the physical environment: what improvements can we make? (2024) Dementia Awareness Week, Worcester
  • Engaging our alumni: Using past experiences to improve the future. (2024) Learning and Teaching Conference - A Community of Learning, Worcester
  • Using online platforms to encourage engagement with heritage-based resources. (2023) UK Dementia Congress, Birmingham
  • National strategies, perspectives and developments symposium. (2023) UK Dementia Congress, Birmingham
  • Developing an App version of the Enhancing the Healing Environment assessment tools. (2023) UK Dementia Congress, Birmingham
  • Designing inclusive environments for people living with dementia: how much do we really know? (2023) Journal of Dementia Care webinar series, online
  • The challenges of reaching the right people - experiences from two research projects. Worcester Life Stories and Get Real with Meeting Centres. (2022) Research Seminar Series, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester, online
  • Championing Physical Activity for people affected by dementia – an online course. (2022) Live Longer Better Community of Practice and Learning: Brainability - change your life, reduce your risk and live better for longer, online
  • Meeting Centres - local community support to help people adjust to living with dementia. (2022) Alzheimer's Scotland, Edinburgh
  • Person-centred Dementia Studies on Blackboard – Delivering a Postgraduate Certificate at a Distance (2020), TEL me more seminar (online)
  • Worcestershire Dementia Dwelling Grants: A needs-based scheme for providing aids and adaptations (2019), HousingLIN Regional Meeting, Birmingham
  • Dementia Dwelling Grants - Supporting people with dementia to live at home (2019), UK Dementia Congress, Doncaster
  • Building knowledge & resilience for family carers of people with dementia (2019), UK Dementia Congress, Doncaster
  • Developing critical reflection and critical thinking skills – exercises to encourage student engagement (2019), Learning and Teaching Conference, ºüÀêÊÓƵ of Worcester
  • The Namaste Care Intervention UK: Implementation, impact and costs (2019), Namaste Care Celebration Event, Worcester
  • Involving people living with dementia in research (2017), IHS Research Seminar Series, Worcester
  • Supporting Admiral Nurses to demonstrate competence through a workbook on PebblePad (2017), PebblePad Healthcare Symposium, Birmingham
  • Rolling out the Admiral Nurse Competency Framework (2016), Admiral Nurse Forum
  • Supporting delivery of the new Admiral Nurse Competency Framework (2016), Admiral Nurse Forum
  • Prime Ministers Challenge on Dementia Intergenerational Schools Project (2015), Areas of Distinction Event: Children and Young People
  • The social care and support needs of adults with concurrent dementia and visual impairment (2014), UK Dementia Congress
  • Prime Ministers Challenge on Dementia Intergenerational Schools Project Its not all knitting and bingo (2013), UK Dementia Congress
  • Mixed methods evaluation of the intergenerational schools dementia project: The challenges of working with children (and teachers) (2013), People, Policy and Practice Research Focus Day
  • Prime Ministers Challenge on Dementia Intergenerational Schools Project Its not all knitting and bingo (2013), British Society of Gerontology Conference Global Ageing: Implications for Individuals and Society
  • Prime Ministers Challenge on Dementia Intergenerational Schools Project Its not all knitting and bingo (2013), Journal of Dementia Care Community and Technology Conference
  • Prime Ministers Challenge on Dementia Intergenerational Schools Project Its not all knitting and bingo (2013), Dementia Friendly Communities Event
  • Dementia awareness starts in schools: A pioneer intergenerational exchange project (2013), NHS Healthcare Innovation Expo
  • What is a Dementia Adviser and what do they do? An exploration of the work of Dementia Advisers and their experiences in delivering the role (2012), Alzheimer Europe
  • Dementia Advisers: An evaluation of the Worcester experience (2011), UK Dementia Congress


  • Characteristics and experiences of family carers providing personal care to someone living with dementia. (2024) UK Dementia, Congress, Coventry
  • The role of ‘active participation’ in Meeting Centres. (2024) UK Dementia, Congress, Coventry
  • Exploring the role of data collection in Meeting Centres. (2022) UK Dementia Congress, Birmingham
  • Keeping Meeting Centres for people affected by dementia going in a post-pandemic climate: The Get Real Study. (2022) UK Dementia Congress, Birmingham
  • Championing Physical Activity for people affected by dementia! A research and education project, leading to the development and delivery of a pioneering online course aiming to support practitioners offer physical activity to people affected by dementia. (2022) UK Dementia Congress, Birmingham
  • Designing for Everyone: Developing cognitively inclusive design. (2022) UK Dementia Congress, Birmingham
  • Prime Ministers Challenge on Dementia: Intergenerational Schools Dementia Project (2015), Psychologies of Ageing Conference
  • The social care and support needs of adults with concurrent dementia and visual impairment (2015), Psychologies of Ageing Conference
  • Connecting Communities Project: Raising awareness of dementia amongst Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities (2015), Psychologies of Ageing Conference